We buy trains!
Do you have a collection of modern O-gauge model trains that you'd like to sell? We'd be interested in possibly purchasing it from you.
We specialize in modern Lionel, MTH, Weaver and Sunset 3rd Rail engines, rolling stock and accessories produced from 2000 to present. We also selectively purchase postwar collections, mainly depending upon the condition and rarity of the items.
We pay between 40% to 50% of the perceived market value of the collection. We're fully transparent and will share any market research that we've done to determine our estimated retail value of the collection.
We have found that sellers benefit more from our collection "buyout" than any auction or consignment service. Auction houses have a 6- to 12-month backlog of items and only achieve results that are a fraction of the full retail value, not to mention the fees that are charged on top! And with consignment services, sellers are burdened by the hassle of items selling slowly over time.
If you'd have an interest in us looking at your collection, please contact us at ben@trainsandgames.com or (201) 383-5833 to discuss further!